“Just as styles in women’s gowns and hats and costume jewelry arc forever changing with time, the old leaders of the stock market are dropped and new ones rise up to take their plaees. Years ago the ehief leaders were the railroads, American Sugar, and Tobacco. Then came the steels, and American Sugar and Tobacco were nudged into the background. Then came the motors, and so on up to the present time. Today we have only four groups in the position of dominating the market: steels, motors, aircraft stoeks, and mail orders. As they go, so goes the whole market. In the course of time new leaders will come to the front; some of the old leaders will be dropped. It will always be that way as long as there is a stock market. Keep mentally flexible. Remember the leaders of today may not be the leaders two years from now.”
Jesse Livermore, größter Spekulant aller Zeit